
Blood Tests

General, biochemical and other crucial examinations, for the prevention of diseases, the clinical diagnosis of health issues and the achievement of good health for everyone.

Αιματολογικές εξετάσεις
Blood Examinations
Blood Examinations

Description and necessity

General blood tests allow us to check the overall condition and function of our bodies such as oxygen circulation and defense reaction. During these tests, both the morphology and the quantity of our blood cells are closely examined, helping us deduce useful information about the condition of our bone marrow.

Some blood tests should be included in our annual preventive medical check-up. The types of preventive tests that we should take, depends on our age and gender. Patients with specific health problems or with a history of serious diseases in their family, should start conducting both general and specialized examinations earlier than others.

Preventive blood tests are extremely vital because they allow us to make an early diagnosis of issues that could possibly require further examination. In any case, it is the responsibility of the appointed physician to advise the patient about the examinations that they should perform.

Εξετάσεις Αίματος
Blood Tests

What it includes

The most common tests are the following:


General Blood Test

Μαρινίδου Μικροβιολόγος Κομοτηνή

Anemia Check

Αιματολογικές Εξετάσεις

Kidney Function and Urinary Tract Examination

Έλεγχος Θυρεοειδούς

Thyroid Test

Έλεγχος Ουρικής Αρθρίτιδας

Muscular Condition Test

Έλεγχος Μυϊκής Κατάστασης

Prostate Check

Απομόνωση και Ταυτοποίηση

Check for Bleeding Diathesis and Thrombophilia

Έλεγχος Αιμορραγικής διάθεσης και Θρομβοφιλίας

Diabetes Test

Έλεγχος Διαβήτη

Protein Test

Εξετάσεις Αίματος

Lipid Test

εξετάσεις αίματος

Bone and Micronutrients Examination

εξετάσεις αίματος

Liver Function Test

Everything you need to know

Useful information about your blood test

Μικροβιολόγος και Παιδιά


The correct preparation of the patient and ideal blood sampling conditions are both very important for the examinations to be carried out correctly and the results to be as accurate as possible.

A detailed medical history of the patient will provide very useful information to the microbiologist and will help him achieve greater precision in the lab results.

The patients should inform the microbiological center about their medical history, the reasons why their doctor suggested these tests and any medication that they might be taking.

Some blood tests require an empty stomach and so, no food should be consumed for about 12 hours prior to the examinations. Please consult your doctor for the necessary instructions.


The results of our blood tests give us a clear image about the population, the shape and size as well as some further information about the morphology and quality of our cells. In other words, they provide us with the vast majority of the information we want to know from our diagnostic tests.

The blood tests are carried out inside a special machine called a Hematology Analyzer and the credibility of the results are ensured by the modern methods used, by the high level of scientific education of our center’s staff and also by the use of programs that perform internal and external quality control of the whole procedure.

The results are presented in a way that can be interpreted quickly and easily, always bearing the signature and approval of Mrs Voula Marinidou.

Αιματολογικές Εξετάσεις

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